Category Archives: Baby Boomers

Seven Signs That an Aging Parent Needs Help

Older American Woman

Does your aging parent need help? As an Aging Life Care™ advisor, I know how fiercely older adults want to maintain their independence. Many feel that their adult children don’t understand them or are making something out of nothing — a fall, a burnt pot, a call from the police station. They make promises to … Continue reading Seven Signs That an Aging Parent Needs Help

COVID-19 Highlights Caregiver’s Need to Plan Ahead

//// By: Lakelyn Hogan, MA, MBA, Gerontologist and Caregiver Advocate //// Caring for a family member can require a lot of coordination. Often family caregivers are living day-to-day juggling their responsibilities of caregiving, work and family. Few have the time or make the time to stop and consider plans for the future. COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has … Continue reading COVID-19 Highlights Caregiver’s Need to Plan Ahead

The Art of Listening: Achieving Successful Communication

By: Miriam Zucker, LMSW, ACSW, C-ASWC As Aging Life Care Specialists(r), we are called upon to provide an assortment of services. The needs are as varied as the families we are helping.  We continuously strive to be experts in our knowledge of homecare, entitlements, senior residences, elder law attorneys, and providing skilled and supportive counseling. … Continue reading The Art of Listening: Achieving Successful Communication

Caring for Aging Parents during a Pandemic? Professional Support is Available!

by: Linda Fodrini-Johnson Millions of families, and my own family, are under great pressure during this unprecedented time in our nation’s history. We had been worried or concerned about our aging parents before the pandemic, but now we are even more stressed worrying about them contracting this devastating disease. There is so much conflicting (and … Continue reading Caring for Aging Parents during a Pandemic? Professional Support is Available!

The Sandwich Generation: Stuck in the Middle

caring for mom, dad, kids, and myself

America’s Sandwich Generation, men and women in their forties to sixties with both aging parents and children to care for, is one of the fastest growing populations. This group of people often find themselves stuck in the middle of trying to juggle a hectic schedule that includes caring for parents experiencing a decline in health, … Continue reading The Sandwich Generation: Stuck in the Middle

Aging and Addiction

alcohol and dementia

Substance abuse is often overlooked or misdiagnosed in older adults. But addiction does not discriminate — it can affect individuals of any age, gender, race, cultural background, or lifestyle. Know the warning signs of addiction and you can seek proper treatment for your loved one.   Recognize the Warning Signs of Addiction in Aging Adults by … Continue reading Aging and Addiction

Need Help Caring for Aging Parents?

long-distance caregivers

Hiring an Aging Life Care Professional™  when you need help caring for aging parents is really no different from hiring an attorney for legal needs or a CPA for preparing taxes.  Aging Life Care Professionals guide you through the often complicated maze of long-term care. From determining optimal housing to managing chronic health care issues, the … Continue reading Need Help Caring for Aging Parents?

How to Overcome the Fear and Anxiety of Getting Old

Overcoming the fear and anxiety of getting old with the help of an Aging Life Care Professional

Fear? Anxiety? These words identify the feelings a lot of people have when they think about getting old. Oddly enough, “getting old” is not an easily defined status. As each year goes by, you actually don’t think of yourself as “old.” Take it from me, I turned 70 just a few months ago! By Phyllis … Continue reading How to Overcome the Fear and Anxiety of Getting Old

Stay Safe While Exercising – Go4Life!

Staying safe while exercising

Aging Life Care Association™ is proud to be a partner in Go4Life® — an exercise and physical activity campaign from the National Institute on Aging at NIH in collaboration with the 2015 White House Conference on Aging.  Staying Safe While Exercising You may already know that exercise is an important part of staying healthy. But how can … Continue reading Stay Safe While Exercising – Go4Life!

Caring for Aging Parents? Here are Six Steps to Help You Find Balance

Free eBook on Bringing Balance to Your Life as a Caregiver

Aging Life Care Association™ Releases Free eBook to Help You Live Well While Caring for Aging Parents by Linda Fodrini-Johnson, MA, MFT, CMC, Aging Life Care Association™ Member and Fellow of the Leadership Academy   We all strive for balance in our lives – nimbly tossing all those balls in the air and navigating their trajectory. When … Continue reading Caring for Aging Parents? Here are Six Steps to Help You Find Balance