Aging Life Care Association™ Releases Free eBook to Help You Live Well While Caring for Aging Parents
by Linda Fodrini-Johnson, MA, MFT, CMC, Aging Life Care Association™ Member and Fellow of the Leadership Academy
We all strive for balance in our lives – nimbly tossing all those balls in the air and navigating their trajectory. When one of those balls is caring for our aging parents, our sense of personal balance is challenged. If we have children ourselves, we enter the sandwich generation zone where we are soon overtaxed and stressed out.
A reminder may be in order that equilibrium is the key to living well as we divide our time among the needs of our parents, children, partners, jobs and ourselves. The pull to care, or over care, often knocks that balance off its feet.
For example, is it easy to skip your gym or yoga class because Mom needs a prescription picked up, or Dad wants you with him when he sees his cardiologist? Do you rush from work, to your daughter’s soccer game, to checking in on a sick parent? Has it become a way of life to spend a day cooking for your aging parents while consuming unhealthy fast food yourself, no time for your own home-cooked meal?
Six Steps to Living Well While Caring for Aging Parents – a free eBook from the Aging Life Care Association™
The good news is, you can tackle these challenges and create a more balanced life. Friends and family are often a great resource. In addition, gathering a team of professionals in the aging network to be your navigation guides can bring clarity and relief. Don’t be fearful of bringing in skilled experts because of the cost – consider the fees you pay as an investment in everyone’s well-being. The professional guidance will set you on a successful path so you won’t be derailed by caregiver stress, and can actually save you money in the long run.
In this eBook, we provide you with information you need in order to prepare for and effectively manage potential crises and demands. We’ll show you how to defuse your crises and steer things back into control. As adult children caring for our parents, we may not be able to reverse the inevitable end-of-life issues our parents are facing, but we can prepare ourselves with information ahead of time so there are fewer surprises.
Don’t wait, download this free eBook – Six Steps to Living Well While Caring for Aging Parents – and put balance back in your life.
About the author: Linda Fodrini-Johnson, MA, MFT, CMC, is the Founder and President of Eldercare Services in Walnut Creek, CA. She is also a partner of the VillagePlan. Linda is a Fellow of the Leadership Academy and past-president of the Aging Life Care Association. Linda has over 30 years experience working as a Care Manager. You can reach her at, or connect with her via social media: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
This blog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute, nor is it intended to be a substitute for, professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Information on this blog does not necessarily reflect official positions of the Aging Life Care Association™ and is provided “as is” without warranty. Always consult with a qualified professional with any particular questions you may have regarding your or a family member’s needs.