Category Archives: Aging Parents

Tips for Rightsizing not Downsizing

moving aging parents and selling the house

Practical Tips from an Expert As many aging adults face the prospect of leaving their homes for smaller living spaces, there are a few key strategies that can make the transition happen in a much less stressful and smooth fashion. I like to think of it as rightsizing, not downsizing. by Marie LeBlanc, BS, MBA … Continue reading Tips for Rightsizing not Downsizing

Elder Abuse: Shattering Myths and Taking Action

Abstract Background

Elder Abuse Awareness: Shattering Myths and Taking Action //// By: Jullie Gray, DSW, MSW, LICSW, CMC – Aging Life Care Association™ Member   //// June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about the abuse and neglect of older adults. This global event aims to foster a better understanding of … Continue reading Elder Abuse: Shattering Myths and Taking Action

Breaking the Stigma: Embracing Mental Health Treatment in Older Adults

By Sam van Kalkeren, MSN, RN, CMC, CDP, CADDCT – Aging Life Care Association® Breaking the Stigma: Embracing Mental Health Treatment in Older Adults Mental health is just as important as physical health for older adults. Let’s break the stigma and prioritize mental well-being. #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth Many people with mental illness report that the stigma surrounding … Continue reading Breaking the Stigma: Embracing Mental Health Treatment in Older Adults

Unlock Expert Insights: Free ‘Ask an Aging Life Care Manager®’ Virtual Sessions in May

Free “Ask an Aging Life Care Manager” virtual sessions to be held most Fridays in May to celebrate National Aging Life Care™ Month and Older Americans Month. Participants can ask professional Aging Life Care Managers® their questions about aging and care planning. Registration is necessary and is on a first come, first served basis at … Continue reading Unlock Expert Insights: Free ‘Ask an Aging Life Care Manager®’ Virtual Sessions in May

Falls: Prevention and What to Ask Your Older Loved One

An older woman sitting alone on a bench in a garden with a walking aid next to her

Falls are the leading cause of fatal injury and the most common cause of nonfatal, trauma-related hospital admissions among older adults. For many elders who have a fall, this is often the beginning of a deleterious cascade of ill health that will lead to trauma, hospitalization, decreased mobility, depression, and in some cases, even death. … Continue reading Falls: Prevention and What to Ask Your Older Loved One

Preparing for Winter Weather with Older Loved Ones

image of a blue house in several feet of snow

Severe winter weather is descending across the United States, which greatly impacts the safety and well-being of the elderly, especially when the weather event is unexpected or comes fast. Here are some tips from the experts in aging well® to help your older loved one prep for winter weather. Before a Storm • Stay informed: … Continue reading Preparing for Winter Weather with Older Loved Ones

Tips for Checking on Aging Loved Ones during Holidays

Whether you live down the block or across the country, holiday visits are a great opportunity to take a closer look at your aging loved one and their surroundings. Take time to observe any changes in an aging family member’s behaviors or lifestyle during dinners, gift exchanges, parties, etc. Changes may vary widely – from … Continue reading Tips for Checking on Aging Loved Ones during Holidays

The Aging Life Care Association® offering free info sessions for National Aging Life Care™ Month

block of text, quote describing the aging well sessions

Aging Life Care Managers® offer a holistic, client-centered approach to caring for older adults, dependent adults, and others facing ongoing health challenges. Sometimes called geriatric care managers, Aging Life Care Managers are strategic planners with key knowledge in crisis intervention, housing, health and disability, advocacy, family legal needs, and financial and local resources. The Challenge … Continue reading The Aging Life Care Association® offering free info sessions for National Aging Life Care™ Month

Helping Your Aging Loved One Manage Their Finances

Woman counting coins on table

As our senior loved ones age, we may start seeing physical and mental signs of decline. While some signs are not worrisome, others may be more concerning: anxiety, depression, forgetfulness, and mishandling money. These could indicate more serious issues and are risky behaviors. So here are four things you can do to help your aging … Continue reading Helping Your Aging Loved One Manage Their Finances

What to Look for When Visiting Aging Loved Ones this Thanksgiving

warning signs to look for during holiday visits

During the holiday season families and friends often make special visits to aging loved ones. Aging Life Care Managers® suggest you use this time to take note of any changes in health, behavior, or physical appearance. You may discover your aging loved one now needs more help or attention.   Is it Time for Help? … Continue reading What to Look for When Visiting Aging Loved Ones this Thanksgiving