Category Archives: Care Managers

ALCA Member Spotlight—Ann Burke, Cincinnati, Ohio

This week we are spotlighting one of our members and recipient of the ALCA Midwest Chapter Outstanding Member Award for 2020 – Ann Sutton Burke. Tell us about your current practice? The practice I manage is CareLink, Your Experts in Aging based in Cincinnati Ohio. It is part of a non-profit agency, Jewish Family Service … Continue reading ALCA Member Spotlight—Ann Burke, Cincinnati, Ohio

Quality of Life – What Really Matters

Helen is 93 years old and has lived at an assisted living community since she was 90. She has a one-room suite with her own bathroom. It is decorated with her favorite things and whatever furniture that would fit. She has one window that overlooks some trees and a strategically placed bird feeder. Tom is 84 … Continue reading Quality of Life – What Really Matters

Older Adults Admit New Technology is More Stressful Than Going to the Dentist

Older Adults Admit High Anxiety and Fear About New Technology: Candoo Tech Surveys Shows 53% of Seniors Say Learning a New Device is More Stressful Than Going to the Dentist The results of a recent survey of technology-enabled older adults show that for 53% of them, learning new tech devices such as a computer or … Continue reading Older Adults Admit New Technology is More Stressful Than Going to the Dentist

Are You Prepared for a Loved One’s Care Transition?

Without a doubt, one of the hardest things for families to do is help an aging loved one transition back home from a hospital or rehab center stay – and the stakes are huge. Many older adults who leave the hospital will be readmitted within 30 days for a variety of reasons, such as falls, … Continue reading Are You Prepared for a Loved One’s Care Transition?

A Daughter’s Plea, A Mother’s Rebuttal

Like in the childhood game, “telephone,” the first call came from the neighbor across the street, who called the son in Pennsylvania who, in turn, called his sister in Maine, who, in turn, called me, the eldercare consultant in New Rochelle, New York. The town their mother, and I, called home. It seems the neighbor … Continue reading A Daughter’s Plea, A Mother’s Rebuttal

Spiders and Finances, Oh My!

ALCA’s Corporate Partners are a vital part of the equation that makes the Aging Life Care Association as strong as it is. They offer advice and insights to members via our listserv to help members find solutions for their clients. And members feel confident choosing one for their clients’ needs because ALCA’s Corporate Partners also … Continue reading Spiders and Finances, Oh My!

A Corporate Partner Shares The Value of Working With ALCA Members

ALCA’s Corporate Partners are a vital part of the equation that makes the Aging Life Care Association as strong as it is. They offer advice and insights to members via our listserv to help members find solutions for their clients. And members feel confident choosing one for their clients’ needs because ALCA’s Corporate Partners also … Continue reading A Corporate Partner Shares The Value of Working With ALCA Members

SELF-Compassion is a Gift

After the last year and a half of living with a pandemic and beginning to see the signs of improvement, I was more than ready to listen to the June 6th virtual event by Dr. Lori Stevik Rust, “Compassion is a Gift.” As Aging Life Care Professionals in the human service field, most of us … Continue reading SELF-Compassion is a Gift

Navigating complex health-care systems with an Aging Life Care Professional®

Now that the Pandemic has BLOWN UP THE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM, especially long-term care, the need for a savvy and experienced Aging Life Care Manager® is more evident than ever. Aging Life Care Professionals® are members of the Aging Life Care Association® (ALCA) and differ from Health Care Advocates, Patient Advocates, Senior Advisors, Senior Navigators, and … Continue reading Navigating complex health-care systems with an Aging Life Care Professional®

ALCA Members Embodies Older American’s Month Motto

This May the Aging Life Care Association celebrated its 10th annual Aging Life Care Month, while acknowledging the Administration on Community Living’s Older Americans Month celebration. Aging Life Care Professionals have always been a part of the continuum of care for older adults—and part of the “Community of Strength” for aging loved ones and their … Continue reading ALCA Members Embodies Older American’s Month Motto