Category Archives: Financial Managers

Dementia caregiving is a marathon, not a sprint.

Being a caregiver for a person living with dementia can be lonely. Over time, friends and family may start to fade away or your involvement with the person in your care can become more time consuming. Your world can begin to feel small. Dementia caregiving can be overwhelming. As you encounter tricky situations, you might … Continue reading Dementia caregiving is a marathon, not a sprint.

Spiders and Finances, Oh My!

ALCA’s Corporate Partners are a vital part of the equation that makes the Aging Life Care Association as strong as it is. They offer advice and insights to members via our listserv to help members find solutions for their clients. And members feel confident choosing one for their clients’ needs because ALCA’s Corporate Partners also … Continue reading Spiders and Finances, Oh My!

Financially Helping Clients Fund Their Care Needs: Real Life Examples

Aging Life Care Professionals(r) are called upon to assist clients with resources to handle their particular situations, including evaluating the financial resources necessary to help clients ensure quality care and an optimal life.  Did you know that 500,000 seniors a year will walk away from their life insurance policies?  This happens because they no longer … Continue reading Financially Helping Clients Fund Their Care Needs: Real Life Examples

Sex, Money, & Your Parents: Conversations you never wanted to have

Annie and her two siblings have been helping their elderly parents in a growing number of ways over the past several years. Assisting with the care and upkeep of the family home, making needed grocery runs, preparing meals, attending occasional medical appointments, and in general — ensuring things are going OK.  Their mom was diagnosed … Continue reading Sex, Money, & Your Parents: Conversations you never wanted to have

Financially Helping Clients Fund Their Care Needs: Real Life Examples

Aging Life Care Professionals® are called upon to assist clients with resources to handle their particular situations, including evaluating the financial resources necessary to help clients ensure quality care and an optimal life. Did you know that 500,000 seniors walk away from their life insurance policies each year?  This happens because they no longer want … Continue reading Financially Helping Clients Fund Their Care Needs: Real Life Examples

Ten Things Everyone Should Do At Retirement

Retirement Checklist

When asked for their best piece of advice, Aging Life Care Professionals are quick to respond: “Be prepared,” “Make a plan for aging,” “Don’t wait for a crisis to strike,” “Build a team of trusted friends, family and professionals.” So when you head into retirement, be sure to take the necessary steps to plan for … Continue reading Ten Things Everyone Should Do At Retirement

Special Needs Children and the Aging Parent

Planning for the Care of Special Needs Children

Having an adult child with “special needs,” and planning ahead for his or her care, is a concern for parents throughout the child’s lifespan.  Most of these adult children are extremely dependent upon their parents, counting on them to provide fully for their safety and well-being, as well as love and encouragement. As the parents … Continue reading Special Needs Children and the Aging Parent

How to Prepare Your Family for Your Aging

Prepare yourself for aging

Take a look at this list of important documents and information that will help your loved ones help you when the time comes. by Debra D. Feldman, MSW, LCSW, CMC, Aging Life Care Association™ Member   If something happened to you today, would someone know what medications you take? Who your doctor is? Or where … Continue reading How to Prepare Your Family for Your Aging

Four Things Every Financial Manager Must Know When Advising Aging Adults

Retirement Checklist

by Phyllis Mensh Brostoff, CISW, CMC – Aging Life Care Association™ Member and Fellow of the Leadership Academy 1. Long-term care is expensive, and there is a confusing maze of options when it comes to in-home and residential care. Financial managers must know the costs of long term care, in order to provide relevant guidance … Continue reading Four Things Every Financial Manager Must Know When Advising Aging Adults