Category Archives: Support

ALCA Members and Corporate Partners – Better Together During a Global Pandemic

//// By Nancy Avitabile //// New York City, NY //// New York City slowly began shutting down around March 6. Some intrepid individuals continued to work until the Shelter-in-Place order was declared by Governor Cuomo on March 20. Aging Life Care Managers (ALCM) began to scramble; every day offered new information about public safety and … Continue reading ALCA Members and Corporate Partners – Better Together During a Global Pandemic

A Different Kind of Mother’s Day

//// By: Tanya Schwartz, LCSWR //// “Please tell the caregivers that we won’t need them this Mother’s Day weekend” “What do you think my mother will find useful and enjoyable as a Mother’s Day present? “Could we speak about my parents’ well-being in person while I am visiting them this weekend?” These are all questions … Continue reading A Different Kind of Mother’s Day

Looking out for the emotionally vulnerable in the COVID world

By:  Bunni Dybnis, MA, LMFT, CMC Our lives have changed dramatically as COVID-19 becomes the focus of most everything. The news, warnings, restrictions, instructions, double messages, shortages, politics, and financial implications are never-ending. For most, the initial chaos, fears, panic, and confusion settle in as we adapt to our new world.  For a small number, … Continue reading Looking out for the emotionally vulnerable in the COVID world

The Art of Listening: Achieving Successful Communication

By: Miriam Zucker, LMSW, ACSW, C-ASWC As Aging Life Care Managers, we are called upon to provide an assortment of services. The needs are as varied as the families we are helping.  We continuously strive to be experts in our knowledge of homecare, entitlements, senior residences, elder law attorneys, and providing skilled and supportive counseling. … Continue reading The Art of Listening: Achieving Successful Communication

Addressing the Mental Health Concerns of Seniors in the Corona-virus World

by: Bunni Dybnis, MA, LMFT, CMC COVID-19 has dramatically changed our world. The news, warnings, restrictions, instructions, double messages, shortages, politics, financial implications are never-ending.  Most are resilient.  After the initial chaos, fears, panic, and confusion, the emotional upheaval will settle down.  Most will adapt to the changing world as we have adjusted to life’s … Continue reading Addressing the Mental Health Concerns of Seniors in the Corona-virus World

Caring for Aging Parents during a Pandemic? Professional Support is Available!

by: Linda Fodrini-Johnson Millions of families, and my own family, are under great pressure during this unprecedented time in our nation’s history. We had been worried or concerned about our aging parents before the pandemic, but now we are even more stressed worrying about them contracting this devastating disease. There is so much conflicting (and … Continue reading Caring for Aging Parents during a Pandemic? Professional Support is Available!

Love In the Time of COVID-19

by Lisa Kaufman I received a call this morning. A man who has never spoken with me before wanted my opinion about the care needs of his 80-year-old mother. He explained that she has moderate to severe (read severe) dementia, visual impairment, is hard of hearing and is in renal failure requiring dialysis. He went … Continue reading Love In the Time of COVID-19

January Doesn’t Have to Be Dry and Discouraging

Parents Aging at Home

While “Dryuary” or Dry January seems like a relatively new trend, it’s origins date back much earlier. Even the New York Times showcases the activities around when Prohibition began (Jan. 17, 1920.) January is also a month where people re-consider their over-indulgences in food and drink then hit the gyms or yoga mats and buy … Continue reading January Doesn’t Have to Be Dry and Discouraging

Finding Answers to Difficult Elder Care Needs

Often we are “too close” to a situation or problem to see clearly. In this video, Aging Life Care Professional™ Amy O’Rourke illustrates how her holistic approach and assessment found the simple answer to a complicated elder care situation. Having a professional, third-party assessment not only resolved housing needs but also revealed possible unnecessary medical … Continue reading Finding Answers to Difficult Elder Care Needs