Category Archives: Bunni Dybnis

Ten signs of when you need to be involved:  the Coronavirus factor

Paying attention to situations that can affect the well-being of older adults can make all the difference. The effect of the COVID19 virus has raised the risks of ignoring signs that indicate it is time to intervene.   There are ever-changing regulations, testing regimes, surges in cases, availability of vaccinations, and even access to healthcare. This … Continue reading Ten signs of when you need to be involved:  the Coronavirus factor

Sibling Relationships and Older Parents

As adult children age many unresolved conflicts are swept under the carpet and avoided.  Often with parents as buffers, and contact limited, relationships remain stable. All this can change when adult children must share the task of caring for an aging parent. When the focus becomes their own unresolved conflicts, this can interfere with the … Continue reading Sibling Relationships and Older Parents

Looking out for the emotionally vulnerable in the COVID world

By:  Bunni Dybnis, MA, LMFT, CMC Our lives have changed dramatically as COVID-19 becomes the focus of most everything. The news, warnings, restrictions, instructions, double messages, shortages, politics, and financial implications are never-ending. For most, the initial chaos, fears, panic, and confusion settle in as we adapt to our new world.  For a small number, … Continue reading Looking out for the emotionally vulnerable in the COVID world

Addressing the Mental Health Concerns of Seniors in the Corona-virus World

by: Bunni Dybnis, MA, LMFT, CMC COVID-19 has dramatically changed our world. The news, warnings, restrictions, instructions, double messages, shortages, politics, financial implications are never-ending.  Most are resilient.  After the initial chaos, fears, panic, and confusion, the emotional upheaval will settle down.  Most will adapt to the changing world as we have adjusted to life’s … Continue reading Addressing the Mental Health Concerns of Seniors in the Corona-virus World