Category Archives: Guest Writer

Gray is a Color of the Rainbow

faces of LGBTQ+ elderly people of different backgrounds

This Pride Month, Aging Life Care Professionals across the country join in celebrating and honoring LGBTQ+ elders. Included in this celebration is understanding the unique needs of LGBTQ+ elders and creating care plans that support and enhance their individual lifestyles. According to SAGE, LGBTQ+ elders are: Twice as likely to be single and live alone … Continue reading Gray is a Color of the Rainbow

National Aging Life Care™ Month Highlights Solution for Overwhelmed Caregivers

As the aging population continues to grow, so does the demand for caregivers. During National Aging Life Care™ Month this May, the Aging Life Care Association is raising awareness around a solution for caregivers and families of aging adults — Aging Life Care Managers®. This network of professionals are experts in aging, helping ensure a … Continue reading National Aging Life Care™ Month Highlights Solution for Overwhelmed Caregivers

Could a Life Insurance Policy Help Pay for Care Needs Now?

Woman counting coins on table

Real-Life Examples of Utilizing this Untapped Asset As Aging Life Care Professionals® customize care plans and resources for their clients, they are careful to evaluate and manage the client’s financial resources necessary to ensure quality care and an optimal life. An often-overlooked financial resource is life insurance. Did you know that 500,000 seniors a year … Continue reading Could a Life Insurance Policy Help Pay for Care Needs Now?

Urinary Incontinence in Older Adults & Seniors

bladder health month

Urinary Incontinence in Older Adults & Seniors By Vicki Wolpoff of NorthShore Care Supply  –  an Aging Life Care Association Corporate Partner  November is Bladder Health Month — a  month is designed to encourage you to stay informed about different bladder issues, so you can proactively take care of your bladder health or help someone … Continue reading Urinary Incontinence in Older Adults & Seniors

Solos: They Are Looking For You

Those who serve older adults periodically come across individuals with no children or children who live at a distance from them. Historically, most adults aged 65 and above seemed to have at least one family member who could provide some measure of care and support. That situation is now changing, however, in a big way, … Continue reading Solos: They Are Looking For You

Quality of Life – What Really Matters

Helen is 93 years old and has lived at an assisted living community since she was 90. She has a one-room suite with her own bathroom. It is decorated with her favorite things and whatever furniture that would fit. She has one window that overlooks some trees and a strategically placed bird feeder. Tom is 84 … Continue reading Quality of Life – What Really Matters

Older Adults Admit New Technology is More Stressful Than Going to the Dentist

Older Adults Admit High Anxiety and Fear About New Technology: Candoo Tech Surveys Shows 53% of Seniors Say Learning a New Device is More Stressful Than Going to the Dentist The results of a recent survey of technology-enabled older adults show that for 53% of them, learning new tech devices such as a computer or … Continue reading Older Adults Admit New Technology is More Stressful Than Going to the Dentist

Are You Prepared for a Loved One’s Care Transition?

Without a doubt, one of the hardest things for families to do is help an aging loved one transition back home from a hospital or rehab center stay – and the stakes are huge. Many older adults who leave the hospital will be readmitted within 30 days for a variety of reasons, such as falls, … Continue reading Are You Prepared for a Loved One’s Care Transition?

Dealing with Delta

The Delta variant of COVID-19 is spreading with alarming speed among the unvaccinated. As a protection to yourself, and your community,  unvaccinated individuals should get the shot as soon as possible. Immunity can take up to 6 weeks to develop, and we must all do our part in stopping the spread of this virus. In … Continue reading Dealing with Delta

A Daughter’s Plea, A Mother’s Rebuttal

Like in the childhood game, “telephone,” the first call came from the neighbor across the street, who called the son in Pennsylvania who, in turn, called his sister in Maine, who, in turn, called me, the eldercare consultant in New Rochelle, New York. The town their mother, and I, called home. It seems the neighbor … Continue reading A Daughter’s Plea, A Mother’s Rebuttal