Category Archives: Care Managers

Collaboration Enhances Aging Life Care and “Communities of Strength”

At Aging Wisdom we are guided by a set of values that are naturally woven into our company culture and our work as Aging Life Care Professionals®: Integrity. Professionalism. Compassion. Collaboration. Service to our clients and our community. While each value is precious and essential, it is often through Collaboration that we experience incredible serendipity … Continue reading Collaboration Enhances Aging Life Care and “Communities of Strength”

Distance Doesn’t Have to Matter: Holding Hands, South to North

Mission Accomplished with a Doppelganger “I need your help with my Mom.”  It was a text message from a friend’s daughter, Toni (not her real name). I called Toni immediately.  I could sense how exhausted, anxious, and scared she was. Someone in need of help is the lifeblood of the work we—Aging Life Care Managers™–do. … Continue reading Distance Doesn’t Have to Matter: Holding Hands, South to North

In Honor of Older American’s Month – One Aging Life Care Manager’s story

They met during WW2 – he, a handsome Yankee flyboy; she, a Morse Code operator for the Women’s Australian Air Force.  He was fascinated by her flaming red hair and beauty; she was attracted to his bravado and good looks.  They married and he moved her from the sunny shores of Terrigal, NSW, to northern … Continue reading In Honor of Older American’s Month – One Aging Life Care Manager’s story

New Beginnings–Aging Life Care Managers® Helping to Keep Older Adults at Home or Transition

Aging Life Care Managers® expand your resources and knowledge for making excellent choices related to wellness.  Aging Life Care Managers®, also referred to as Care Managers (CM) at times, have been providing older adults and their caregivers’ long-term choices and advocacy since the 1980s.  The profession of Aging Life Care is still rather new and emerging.  … Continue reading New Beginnings–Aging Life Care Managers® Helping to Keep Older Adults at Home or Transition

What is an Aging Life Care Manager?

As you manage the care of an aging loved one, it can be helpful to seek support from a professional. Learn about the unique role an aging life care manager plays and how to select one that meets your needs. There are many different reasons you or your loved one may need extra care. Whether … Continue reading What is an Aging Life Care Manager?

Racial Bias in Requesting Caregivers: How to rise above this problem!

“My father will not tolerate a ____________ (fill-in-the-blank) caregiver.  Can you promise me a ____________ one?” Having run a home care business for over 30 years I have heard this request many times over to my disbelief and sadness that an adult would not just want the best trained, most experienced, and kind caregiver for … Continue reading Racial Bias in Requesting Caregivers: How to rise above this problem!

Dad Had a Stroke… Now What?

Mr. Smith is 79 years old. A week ago, he had a stroke while home alone. Thankfully, his youngest son arrived minutes later and got Mr. Smith admitted to the hospital. After a week, the hospital discharge planner contacted Mr. Smith’s oldest son, Paul, who is listed as his healthcare POA (Power of Attorney). The … Continue reading Dad Had a Stroke… Now What?

Tips on Mask-wearing for People With Dementia

Although the temptation is strong now that vaccines are gaining distribution to become more relaxed about COVID-19 prevention, we cannot afford to let down our guards and stop masking up. In the United States, the CDC recommends anyone older than age 2 wear a mask, but there are many who are resistant to wearing one, … Continue reading Tips on Mask-wearing for People With Dementia

Black and Brown Aging Life Care Managers® Changing The World, One Client at a Time

For over 400 years, black and brown communities have experienced systemic racism and intergenerational trauma (Gibbs et al., 2020). In 2020 and 2021, we continued to experience these traumatizing events portrayed through violence, dehumanization, and oppression. The disparities among black and brown communities have been marginalized and minimized by many for so long that some … Continue reading Black and Brown Aging Life Care Managers® Changing The World, One Client at a Time

“Home” for the Holidays? Common Signs Your Older Loved One May Need Help

This year the holidays and holiday gatherings will look a bit different for most of us because of the pandemic. Experts advise us to stay home and limit our in-person celebrations to those living in our immediate household. Observing the holidays with loved ones outside our household will likely take place virtually or physically distanced. … Continue reading “Home” for the Holidays? Common Signs Your Older Loved One May Need Help