Category Archives: Aging Parents

A Daughter’s Plea, A Mother’s Rebuttal

Like in the childhood game, “telephone,” the first call came from the neighbor across the street, who called the son in Pennsylvania who, in turn, called his sister in Maine, who, in turn, called me, the eldercare consultant in New Rochelle, New York. The town their mother, and I, called home. It seems the neighbor … Continue reading A Daughter’s Plea, A Mother’s Rebuttal

A Corporate Partner Shares The Value of Working With ALCA Members

ALCA’s Corporate Partners are a vital part of the equation that makes the Aging Life Care Association as strong as it is. They offer advice and insights to members via our listserv to help members find solutions for their clients. And members feel confident choosing one for their clients’ needs because ALCA’s Corporate Partners also … Continue reading A Corporate Partner Shares The Value of Working With ALCA Members

Overcoming Technology Hurdles to Sign up for the COVID-19 Vaccine

While the COVID-19 vaccine has been available for several months – there are still many adults who have yet to receive their first dose. Aging Life Care Association Corporate Partner CandooTech offers technology solutions for seniors and their families, and has some initial tips to aid those still looking at, or beginning to consider vaccination. … Continue reading Overcoming Technology Hurdles to Sign up for the COVID-19 Vaccine

Summer Safety for Seniors

With the pandemic now hopefully behind us, how can seniors most safely enjoy and celebrate this summer? There are two priorities to keep our community’s elders safe: avoiding the dangers of excessive summer heat and humidity, and preventing falls, a year-round need, but one where summer presents some special challenges. Keeping Cool During Our Hot … Continue reading Summer Safety for Seniors

SELF-Compassion is a Gift

After the last year and a half of living with a pandemic and beginning to see the signs of improvement, I was more than ready to listen to the June 6th virtual event by Dr. Lori Stevik Rust, “Compassion is a Gift.” As Aging Life Care Professionals in the human service field, most of us … Continue reading SELF-Compassion is a Gift

How to choose a Skilled Nursing Facility

When families have exhausted other options sometimes the decision is made to move an older loved one in a skilled nursing facility. Usually, this decision is made under stress, without much time, and/or without a lot of information. You do not need to do this alone. Having a partner in this process, i.e. a professional … Continue reading How to choose a Skilled Nursing Facility

Six Steps to Better Brain Health

While the COVID-19 pandemic has presented us with challenges, it has also taught us lessons. Likely, you have tapped into your emotional reserves and discovered how resilient you are during this time. Brain health, of which mental health is an essential component, has been at the forefront of many conversations with family, friends, and colleagues … Continue reading Six Steps to Better Brain Health

Gray is a Color on the Rainbow

June is Pride Month, a time to celebrate and affirm the diverse mosaic of our humanity. Part of this rainbow coalition includes a growing number of LGBTQIA+ elders. Conservative estimates are that there are over 3 million LGBTQIA+ people over 50 living in the US today. According to SAGE, an advocacy organization for the older LGBTQIA+ … Continue reading Gray is a Color on the Rainbow

What are the signs of caregiver burnout?

ALCA Members feel strongly about helping family caregivers avoid burnout. With June as Men’s Health Awareness Month we are featuring some of ALCA’s male members who have built a career out of Aging Life Care Management and on male caregivers, who often do not ask for help. ALCA Board Member, Co-Chair of the President’s Committee, … Continue reading What are the signs of caregiver burnout?

Distance Doesn’t Have to Matter: Holding Hands, South to North

Mission Accomplished with a Doppelganger “I need your help with my Mom.”  It was a text message from a friend’s daughter, Toni (not her real name). I called Toni immediately.  I could sense how exhausted, anxious, and scared she was. Someone in need of help is the lifeblood of the work we—Aging Life Care Managers™–do. … Continue reading Distance Doesn’t Have to Matter: Holding Hands, South to North