Category Archives: Care Recipients

Putting Pen to Paper in the Time of COVID-19

“To write a letter is human, to receive a letter, divine” – Susan Lendroth Four years ago, I downsized. Living in an apartment house, I am now part of a community, not a formal one, but one with a passing hello in the lobby or weather conversation in the elevator. However, it was my relationship … Continue reading Putting Pen to Paper in the Time of COVID-19

COVID-19 Highlights Caregiver’s Need to Plan Ahead

//// By: Lakelyn Hogan, MA, MBA, Gerontologist and Caregiver Advocate //// Caring for a family member can require a lot of coordination. Often family caregivers are living day-to-day juggling their responsibilities of caregiving, work and family. Few have the time or make the time to stop and consider plans for the future. COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has … Continue reading COVID-19 Highlights Caregiver’s Need to Plan Ahead

COVID-19 Changes Caregiving at Home Care Facilities

//// By: Annette Murphy, BA, MSW, C-ASWCM //// The challenges of COVID-19 and the fundamental change it’s bringing to caregiving and our healthcare system will be felt for years to come. Social isolation, hard to find supplies, and worry over the advisability of face-to-face medical visits are just some of the concerns of family and … Continue reading COVID-19 Changes Caregiving at Home Care Facilities

It Pays To Have A Creative Geriatric Care Manager

Just as the COVID-19 crisis began gripping the nation, a very determined and creative Aging Life Care Manager, Rachel Hodesh, began scheduling “FaceTime” calls with our caregiver during the caregiver’s time with a very special mutual client. In her first call, the senior client spent most of the time talking about this wonderful use of … Continue reading It Pays To Have A Creative Geriatric Care Manager

Using Live-In Care To Lower The Risk of COVID Exposure

//// By: David Petroski ////   Did you hear the news that “…80% of [COVID-19] infections are mild or asymptomatic.” No, that quote is not from a dubious Facebook ad, or a cable news show personality, it’s from the World Health Organization’s Q&A page on the difference between COVID-19 and influenza. If that is true, … Continue reading Using Live-In Care To Lower The Risk of COVID Exposure

A Different Kind of Mother’s Day

//// By: Tanya Schwartz, LCSWR //// “Please tell the caregivers that we won’t need them this Mother’s Day weekend” “What do you think my mother will find useful and enjoyable as a Mother’s Day present? “Could we speak about my parents’ well-being in person while I am visiting them this weekend?” These are all questions … Continue reading A Different Kind of Mother’s Day

The Art of Listening: Achieving Successful Communication

By: Miriam Zucker, LMSW, ACSW, C-ASWC As Aging Life Care Managers, we are called upon to provide an assortment of services. The needs are as varied as the families we are helping.  We continuously strive to be experts in our knowledge of homecare, entitlements, senior residences, elder law attorneys, and providing skilled and supportive counseling. … Continue reading The Art of Listening: Achieving Successful Communication

Ambiguity and Acceptance in the Time of COVID-19

On March 25th, 2020, I had the honor of meeting with some of the top women business leaders in the Seattle area. These ladies are some of the hardest working women I know. They are smart, creative and committed to not only making their businesses succeed, but they also want to make the world a … Continue reading Ambiguity and Acceptance in the Time of COVID-19

Aging Life Care® Professionals Can Help Be Your Guilt-Buster

By Lisa Mayfield, MA, LMHC, GMHS, CMC May is Aging Life Care™ Month, which has me thinking about how supporting an aging parent can feel so daunting. We see it every day in our work as Aging Life Care Professionals®. Time consuming. Caring for an aging parent takes so much time: multiple phone calls a … Continue reading Aging Life Care® Professionals Can Help Be Your Guilt-Buster

Navigating Life After a Parkinson’s Diagnosis with an Aging Life Care Professional

By:  Linda Fodrini-Johnson, MA, MFT, CMC, Aging Life Care Professional April is Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month. When an individual is diagnosed with Parkinson’s, it can be all consuming and take over as the focus of life. However, with some excellent coaching, it is easy to see that the diagnosis is only part of who the … Continue reading Navigating Life After a Parkinson’s Diagnosis with an Aging Life Care Professional