Tag Archives: elder abuse

Observe, Recognize, Prevent: 7 Common Myths About Elder Abuse

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day was launched in 2006 on June 15th by the World Health Organization. Elder abuse is one of the most overlooked public health problems in the United States. Victims of abuse are three times more likely than those who weren’t mistreated to die prematurely. Learn how to identify those at risk and … Continue reading Observe, Recognize, Prevent: 7 Common Myths About Elder Abuse

Protect Aging Parents from Tax Scams

Your Aging Parents are at Risk of Fraud during Tax Season: What you can do about it!

Being caught in tax scams can happen to anyone even though most of us think we’re too smart to get fleeced.  Unfortunately, even the most cautious person can get ripped-off.  When older adults are defrauded, the effects can be devastating. With tax season officially underway, here’s what you need to know to protect aging parents … Continue reading Protect Aging Parents from Tax Scams

Three Signs of Financial Elder Abuse

Woman counting coins on table

by Mary Frances Mir, MSN, RNC, CMC – Aging Life Care Association™ Member   With Financial Elder Abuse on the Rise, It is Important to Know What to Look For The phrase “elder abuse” often brings to mind images of physical or emotional abuse. For many elders, however, the abuse is financial. The most common form of … Continue reading Three Signs of Financial Elder Abuse