Start spreading the news…Aging Life Care Professionals™ are headed to Brooklyn, NY for the 32nd Annual Aging Life Care Association Conference. High caliber programming, networking, professional growth, and the sights and sounds of New York City make for a conference experience you don’t want to miss. Register by March 11 and save $200 with the Early Bird Discount.
Start Spreading the News: 32nd Annual Aging Life Care Association Conference | April 15 – 17, 2016 | Pre-Sessions April 14, 2016
by Nancy Avitabile, LMSW, CMC – Aging Life Care Association Member and 2016 Conference Chair
It has been 31 years since New York City hosted the first conference for Aging Life Care Professionals (then geriatric care managers). On behalf of the conference planning committee, I invite you to gather once again in the “city that never sleeps” and share in the high-caliber programming while experiencing all that the Big Apple has to offer.
Stephen Post, PhD, author of The Moral Challenge of Alzheimer’s Disease: Ethical Issues from Diagnosis to Dying, TEDx speaker, and global presences in the science of giving and commitment to the greater good will kick-off the opening session with his Keynote, “hope and Caring for the Deeply Forgetful.” Dr. Post believes the emotional and relational wellbeing of those with dementia depends on caregivers who seek dignity and proceed humanely even with those severely affected.
For complete conference information or to register, download a registration brochure.
This year we once again offer our popular pre-conference sessions and interactive learning opportunities. The April 14 pre-conference sessions include (separate registration and fee required):
Aging Life Care Essentials, Section One – Clinical & Ethical: explore ALCA’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, while discussing the clinical issues that frequently arise in Aging Life Care™ practices. The 8 core knowledge areas essential for practice will also be reviewed. This will be an interactive session that uses actual case histories to explore clinical approaches to meeting client needs and resolving common ethical challenges that arise within this process.
Aging Life Care Essentials, Section Two – Sales & Marketing: further expand your abilities to reach out to other professionals who can refer business and to establish your position as their “trusted advisor”, creating a win-win situation for both parties.
Growth Strategies for Established Practices: for Aging Life Care business owners/managers who want to grow their business beyond a sole, one, or two employee company. This workshop is fast-paced and intended for those willing to roll up their sleeves to better understand the working basics of their business. Leave this workshop with a beginning draft of a strategic plan aimed and identifying the very next steps in growing your business.
Face-to-face afternoon series are back by popular demand. The Advanced Professional Roundtable, Xtreme Mentoring, and a Nonprofit Roundtable will provide attendees the opportunity to interact, network and discuss pressing business, clinical, and/or legal matters.
The conference program has been carefully curated to accommodate all levels and ALCA’s 8 core knowledge areas. Our general session speakers will focus on the latest trends in the financial exploitation of older adults, drugs, and Alzheimer’s, and interdisciplinary approaches to palliative care. Breakout sessions will address specific topics such as paying household employees, treating the dually diagnosed, managing stressful clients, and increasing referrals. On Sunday, we conclude with three general session speakers. Dr. Gayatri Devi, a trailblazing and respected Manhattan physician, shows us how balance in our lives translates to a better experience for our patients and their families. Lucia McBee follows with “Mindfulness for Everyone,” and we end on a high note with a session on how you can put the power of the ALCA brand to work for you with the one and only Jane Cavalier.
For a complete schedule with detailed information, download the conference registration brochure. Save $200 by registering before March 11, 2016. Come back to the place it all began and join us in New York for the 32nd Annual Conference of the Aging Life Care Association.
About the author: Nancy Avitabile, LMSW, CMC currently serves as the ALCA Board of Directors Secretary-Treasurer and this year’s Annual Conference Chair. She is also a Fellow of the Leadership Academy. Nancy is owner of Urban Eldercare, LLC offering Aging Life Care services in Manhattan and Brooklyn.
This blog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute, nor is it intended to be a substitute for, professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Information on this blog does not necessarily reflect official positions of the Aging Life Care Association™ and is provided “as is” without warranty. Always consult with a qualified professional with any particular questions you may have regarding your or a family member’s needs.