Caring for an adult parent? Do you or your loved one have caregiver burn out?
Take this Quiz to find out
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“Burnout, is a state where [even] highly committed individuals lose their spirit.” Dr. Ayala M. Pines
Professor Ayala Malach-Pines, PhD, clinical, social and organizational psychologist, Head of the Department of Business Administration at Ben-Gurion University in Israel
Burnout Can Happen To Anyone
Take the Quiz to see if your Caregiver Flame is about to Fizzle
Take the Quiz. Assess your stress level and the impact that caring for an adult parent is having on you or a loved one. Learn coping skills and tips to avoid burn out. Get links to additional resources and information.
Making time to take care of yourself is often easier said than done:
. 51 percent of caregivers report they have less time for families and friends because of their role.
. 44 percent of caregivers give up vacations, hobbies and social activities. In fact, a common caregiver refrain is, “I just don’t have time to take a break!”
source: National Alliance for Caregiving & AARP 2004 study
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